
By booking our room, you (“Ticket Holder”) are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions

1.1. This Regulation defines the rules for using the game rooms at Zagadkownia.

1.2. During the game at the Organizer’s venue (Zagadkownia located at Wilcza 25/1A and Krucza 51/2), Participants are obligated to comply with the Regulation and the recommendations of the Organizer’s staff, under the penalty of immediate termination of services by the Organizer and discontinuation of the game.

1.3. Lack of acceptance of the Regulation prevents making a Reservation.

1.4. The person making the reservation (reserver) is obliged to inform other participants in the game (participants) about the rules.

1.5. In case of non-compliance with the regulations, the staff has the right to ask the participant(s) to leave, without the right to a refund, and in case of deliberate property damage, the staff has the right to charge the participant with repair costs.

1.6. Playing in Zagadkownia rooms under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating substances is not allowed.

1.7. Each participant enters the game at their own risk and undertakes to comply with the regulations.

1.8. Players under 12 years old should participate in the game with at least one adult guardian.

1.9. The game is not recommended for people suffering from epilepsy, claustrophobia, or mental illnesses.

1.10. During the game, the use of mobile phones or other devices recording image and sound is not allowed.

2.2. Both during the reservation through the form on the website and by phone, the following information must be provided:

2.1. Reservations can be made on the website, through the service, or by phone at the numbers 537 504 567, 664 231 052.

room name date and time name and surname of the person making the reservation number of participants language preference (Polish or English) contact number email address additional information (issuing an invoice)

2.3. For the lack of any of the above information, Zagadkownia reserves the right to cancel the reservation.

2.4. Reservations made 3 hours before the planned start must be reported by phone.

2.5. It is possible to reserve a room outside the hours specified in the reservation form – for this purpose, please contact us by phone.

2.6. Reservations can be canceled by phone.

2.7. For pre-paid reservations canceled less than 24 hours before the designated game time, no refund is granted.

2.8. In the case of booking more than one room, the reserver must pay 50% of the total amount as a deposit no later than 24 hours before the start of the game.

2.9. The deposit is non-refundable.

3.1. The game can be played by 2 to 6 people. There is an option to increase the number of people for an additional fee of 50 PLN each.

3.2. The game time is 60, 75, or 90 minutes depending on the room.

3.3. Game participants should arrive at Zagadkownia 15 minutes before the planned start of the game.

3.4. Delays are not accepted and may result in a shortened game time or the complete cancellation of the game. In such a case, no refund is granted.

3.5. Participants are obligated to listen to the instructions and recommendations of the staff.

4.1. Payments at Zagadkownia can be made through quick online payments, bank transfer, on-site cash in PLN, debit or credit card, or Gift Voucher.

4.2. The cost of the game depends on the number of people, the chosen room, and the day and time. Details are provided in the price list.

4.3. Payments must be made before the start of the game.

4.4. In the event of damage to an element of the Zagadkownia room, Zagadkownia reserves the right to charge the participants the amount necessary for the repair.

5.1. A gift voucher entitles you to one game in the chosen room at Zagadkownia.

5.2. Vouchers can be purchased at Zagadkownia or online.

5.3. The cost of the voucher is in line with the price list.

5.5. The voucher is valid for one year from the date of purchase.

5.6. If the value of the voucher is less than the game’s price, the difference must be paid.

6.1. The administrator will consider a complaint within 14 days of receiving the complaint. The User will be notified of the decision resulting from the consideration of the complaint in the same way the complaint was sent.

6.2. It is possible to withdraw from the agreement 24 hours before making a reservation.

Privacy Policy and Cookies Administrator – Zagadkownia sp. z o.o. (NIP: 7011085096) with its registered office at ul. Wilcza 25/1A, 00-544 Warsaw. User – a person making a room reservation. Service – entrance to the puzzle room.

The Administrator of the User’s personal data within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act is the Administrator. The Administrator processes the User’s personal data solely for the purpose of providing the Service. Providing personal data by the User is voluntary but necessary to fulfill the Service. The Administrator may process the User’s personal data for a purpose other than providing the Service after obtaining the User’s consent. The Administrator guarantees the confidentiality of all provided personal data. Personal data is collected with due care and properly protected against unauthorized access, and its processing is carried out in accordance with the conditions specified in: the Act of July 18, 2002, on the provision of electronic services (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422), the Act of August 29, 1997, on the protection of personal data (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182), the Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of April 29, 2004, on the documentation of personal data processing and the technical and organizational conditions that should be met by devices and information systems used for personal data processing (Journal of Laws No. 100, item 1024). The User has rights specified in legal acts mentioned in paragraph 3 above, including, in particular, the right to access their personal data, request supplementation, updating, correction of personal data, temporary or permanent suspension of their processing, or their removal if they are incomplete, outdated, untrue, or have been collected in violation of the law or are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected. The Administrator uses cookies, i.e., small text information stored on the User’s end device (e.g., computer, tablet, smartphone). Cookies can be read by the Administrator’s teleinformation system. The Administrator stores cookies on the User’s end device and then accesses the information contained in them for statistical purposes and to ensure the proper functioning of the Service. The Administrator informs the User that it is possible to configure the web browser in a way that prevents the

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